Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Listening and Reading


What 4 nationalites were living together in Balystok, Poland?
Why was Esperanto invented?
What year was the book published?
From what languages is Esperanto devised?
How many grammatical rules and expections are there?
How easy is it to learn Esperanto for a native English  speaker?

Read  the following BBC article on Roboroach.

1) Explain in your own words how the backpack works.
2) Do you believe this is cruelty towards animals? Why/Why not?
3) Do you think this is more of an educational device or a toy? Explain.
4) Would you like to own the roboroach? Why/Why not?

For those interested you can read more here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Desert Island

Imagine you were on a ship wreck and the two of you are now lost on a dessert island. The only objects that floated to the island are pictured below.

How could you use the following objects to survive?
ie. it could be used for ... // we could use it to.... // its used for ...
Think of as many uses as you can, try to be as creative as possible.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Seto Translation

Translate the following song into English. Feel free to use online dictionaries or translators.

Laulam üte laulukõsõ umast Verska koolist
Isim ilokõrrakõsõ umast kooli elost
   Laulu latsi meil om pall´o suurõh Verska koolih
   Umah keeleh koõnõlõmõ umah seto keeleh
Lemmiktunni’ vahetunni’ koolivahetunni’
Sis saat tetä midä tahat, midä esi tahat
   Oppaidõl kõrd om kõva, tunnih kõrd om kõva
   Lasõi nä’ meil lusti lüvvä õga krõpsõ süvvä
Mate tunnih tohi´ maada, silmä kinni panda
Rehkendüs lät muid´o rappa, õps või katõ panda
   Keelekümblus käüse kõva, lausa mitmõh keeleh
   Ku mi’ kooli lõpõtamõ, vaivalt kõik om meeleh
Kunstiõpõtusõ tunnih miildüs joonistada
Umast elost tetä’ pilte, veido kritsõldada
   Mõnikõrd saam’ mustõrdada vai sis kavandada
   Tetä’ umma loomingut ja peräh arotada
Loovust üles näüdädä mi võimõ’ õgah tunnih
Käsu pääle tüü ku teeme’, tuu om hädä sunnil
   Ette võtamõ siin koolih majandus projekte
   Loomõ’ ummi firmasid ja mõtlõm’ pall´o ette
Pääle tunnõ teeme’ sporti lausa õgat sorti
Võistõldõh mi taha jättä maalõ hindäst märki
   Mõnikõrd mi’ teeme’ mürtsu, veid´okõnõ koirust
   Latsõpõlv õt om sis lahe selle vigurdamõ
Opimõ õks õgast pääväst, lausa õgast pääväst
Õt meist saasi’ targa’ latsõ’ siiä ’Setomaalõ

Monday, September 30, 2013

11: Describing Injuries

Describing events in the past.
For each picture, quickly describe the what the person looks like, and then describe what has possibly happened to them and how they feel.

eg: The man in the picture has blue jeans and brown hair. He was painting the ceiling when he fell off the ladder and broke his arm, he feels frustrated and annoyed that he can't finish his work.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10: Then and Now

Speaking exercise: Choose a picture to compare and contrast.
What is the same? What is different? Which one (before or after) would you prefer to go and visit?
What would you do different if you were a city planner?
Picture 1:

Watch a 1:30 video on Dubai and all its craziness here.